Peer Reviewed Journals About Nonverbal Communication During Interviews

Body Language

All too frequently PhDs pour all of their job search efforts into their application materials – CVs and resumes, cover letters, publications and portfolios, or recommendation letters. What happens in the bodily job interview in many cases takes a back-seat to these documents. But, all of this difficult work and careful training can be undone in a matter of minutes in the interview stage if the candidate makes a bad impression. One of the well-nigh mutual ways candidates give off negative vibes is through non-verbal communication, however most people are wholly unaware of the kinds of signals they're sending through simple things similar facial expressions or how they sit or stand.

Kinesics, the written report of how trunk language and non-verbal motion functions every bit a powerful class of advice, has widely established that certain gestures, habits, or postures can demolition professional interactions like task interviews and actually undercut the substance being discussed. To put information technology some other way… your ideas, feel, and bookish achievements may be stellar on newspaper, but if your not-exact cues are sending negative signals to a potential employer, you lot're very likely not going to get the position. Body linguistic communication is just that powerful.

Consider the post-obit Dos and Don'ts when it comes to how you nowadays yourself through non-exact communication. And, if you lot're not certain what your torso language is saying (Are you a hair twirler? Practise you have a resting angry confront? Are you an ceaseless foot tapper?), ask your friends and family – if you have a nervous "tell" or habit, the people shut to you will likely take noticed it over the years.


  • Open with a adept handshake: No sweaty palms or hesitant, loose hands. Brand eye contact and smile. If the interviewer doesn't become in for a handshake, go alee and initiate. This volition show your openness, willingness to engage, and confidence. You lot don't want to make a bad impression before y'all've even started the interview, so make sure this first betoken of contact will start things off in your favor.
  • Brand eye contact: Poor eye contact (shifty eyes, looking at the floor or off to the side, a "dead" or non-expressive gaze, focusing on other elements in the room) can have a significant impact on how your are perceived in any professional situation, specially a chore interview. At best, poor eye contact can betoken to the interviewer that yous're insecure or unsure of yourself or your qualifications (non expert), or, worse, that you're lying. According to one site on body linguistic communication, "fugitive middle contact is i of the first not-verbal cues people will translate as existence dishonest" (definitely not good).
  • Practise active listening: In that location are many non-verbal means to point that you're a good listener. Eye contact with the person who is talking, nodding your head, sitting still, avoiding looking at your watch or the clock … all good active listening techniques. The interview commonly feels like a "me me me" state of affairs, where all eyes and ears are on the job candidate. But the interviewer shouldn't exist ignored either, so let him or her know through your body language that y'all're truly listening to them.
  • Grinning: While you don't need to sit throughout the entire interview with a perma-smile plastered across your face (how natural is that?), smiling indicates that you're trustworthy, engaged, passionate about the job, or confident in your ideas and qualifications. Information technology gives off the sense that you'd be a pleasant colleague to work with (and frequently hiring committees are looking more for "colleagues," not simply employees) and, in general, that you're happy to be there.
  • Announced as relaxed as yous tin: Endeavor outset to actually calm your nerves earlier the interview with things like deep breathing, meditation, power posing, or visualization. But, if you're even so nervous (and with skillful reason, peculiarly if it'due south a position you're actually excited well-nigh), just "fake it 'til you make it." Even if y'all're sweating bullets on the within, attempt to appear as cool and calm every bit y'all can. In general, poor body language and negative non-exact cues are distractions that can backbite from your overall candidacy and the substance of your skills, ideas, and knowledge base, so try to present yourself every bit calmly, pleasantly, and confidently as you can.


  • Make yourself pocket-sized: Sometimes, fresh out of a brutal PhD program or new to the job market place, candidates tin feel a bit weatherbeaten. Surviving the long path to a PhD can oftentimes produce a unique kind of insecurity that has a trend to manifest itself in subtle ways, including body language; it takes time to shift your mindset from subordinate "graduate student" to a "colleague" or "peer" of equal footing, and this process tin cause a fleck of feet for the candidate. Don't let whatsoever potential insecurity or want to brand yourself "small" or humble in the confront of intimidating committees define how you come up across: this could look like slouching or closing your body in when you sit down or stand, casting your eyes downwards, shrugging or making gestures that indicate uncertainty, or folding your artillery and legs inward or across your body.
  • Cross your arms: Crossing your arms is a big "no-no" in the written report of not-verbal advice. It gives off 2 very negative vibes: defensiveness and hostility. One the one hand, crossing one's arms (especially if you're as well crossing your legs) is a protective move that indicates insecurity and weakness (what are you protecting yourself from, the interviewer might wonder?). It's a "closed" position, not at all open or welcoming. At worst, crossing your arms gives off a feeling of hostility and even aggression, certainly not the mood you want to plant in a job interview.
  • Wait at your phone: According to a recent study, millennials check their phones over 150 times per day. Smartphones are ubiquitous, and we glance at them almost automatically now, without even thinking. Don't brand this mistake in the interview. Firstly, you shouldn't even have your smartphone sitting out, either on your lap, in your hand, or certainly not on the interview tabular array. It's just disrespectful and, for most of united states, also tempting. Secondly, if it does happen to be visible to you for some reason, certainly don't keep glancing at it, and for goodness sake don't bear on information technology.
  • Fidget: Do you tap your human foot incessantly? Twirl your hair? Touch on your face frequently? Fidget with a pen? All these things make yous seem jittery in the interview, and, think, y'all want to come across as calm as possible. Also, they're distracting to the interviewer who is more likely to retrieve you every bit the one who "twirled her ring" or who "tapped his human foot" the entire fourth dimension than for your qualifications.
  • Gesticulate wildly: Yes, yous're passionate about your research and your profession, and, yes, you want to convey that sense of passion and drive to a potential employer. Avoid doing this by getting over-excited and making movements that are too big or frantic-seeming. Instead, convey your passion in your description of your work and your plans for the future. Making proficient eye contact and smile, using subtle hand gestures when appropriate, and appearing to be a relaxed, pleasant active listener is more than than plenty to communicate your involvement in the position and in your field.
  • Be a close talker: Information technology didn't work for this character on Seinfeld, and it won't work for you in job interview. Go on an appropriate distance; you lot don't desire to do anything that is going to brand your hiring committee uncomfortable.


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